Will WritingWhat happens after I pass away?

4th March 2021

When you die there is a process consisting of various stages, that needs to take place. Whilst it might seem a little macabre to consider this, it’s worth you and your loved ones understanding the process so that should the worst happen, they know what’s involved and have an understanding of what’s required of them.

  • Your death will be confirmed by a medical professional and then your body will be moved to the mortuary or the Funeral Director.
  • The Doctor will issue a Medical Certificate or your death will e reported to the coroner (depending on the circumstances of your death).
  • Your death then needs to be registered; this is usually by your next of kin or a close family member. They have 5 x days in which to do this. This will be done at your local registration office and the person attending will need to take the medical certificate issued by the doctor as well as your birth and marriage certificates and any NHS medical cards. Your full name, date of birth and home address will need to be given along with your spouses details and any paperwork relating to any entitlement you had to government – state pensions and benefits.
  • Registrar will then present a Death Certificate (several copies will be required for sending off to your banks and insurance companies as proof of your death).
  • A Certificate for Burial (or cremation) – sometimes referred to as a Green Form, will be given. If you were receiving a state pension, benefits or both – a Certificate of Registration of Death’ – sometimes referred to as a White Form will also be given. This need’s completing on the reverse and sending off to the indicated address.
  • Your Will then needs to be located. This should have details of funeral arrangements as well as how your estate should be distributed and details of the executers who will ensure all your Will instructions are carried out to the letter – this process is referred to as……
  • Administration. During the administration process, bank, mortgage and insurance accounts are closed and any debts are paid – to include any income tax, outstanding HP, utilities etc
    Properties, where relevant, are also disposed of and after all debts, to include any Inheritance Tax that might be due, are paid, the remainder of your estate is distributed, by the executers, to the beneficiaries of your Will.

For all the above to happen effectively and with minimum delay, its vital that you have an ‘up to date’ Will in place and that all your paperwork, pertaining to all your financial matters, are in order. This will save your family stress, upset and the possibility of disputes over your estate, whilst minimising the amount of Inheritance Tax that your estate is liable to.

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Regulated by the Institute of Professional Willwriters. Registered in England and Wales Company Number 08290617. 

Copyright © Dunham McCarthy 2022

What happens after I pass away?

What happens after I pass away?